Our Staff

Senior Pastor: Rev. Ken Bledsoe

Pastor Ken is a former resident of Bedford County and is excited to be back (2018). He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies from Washington Bible College, a MARE and MDiv equivalent from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary where he is also finishing his Doctor of Ministry degree. He and his wife, Meg, have two sons, Joe and Jaydon.



Choir Director:
Carol Spencer

Carol Spencer joined the staff in October 1984 as piano and organ accompanist. Currently, she is also serving as Choir Director and is a member of the Hunting Creek Worship Band. Carol’s three children live in the Lynchburg area.

Church Administrator:
Susan Massie

Susan Massie has been a member at Hunting Creek since October 2011 and has served as Secretary since March 2012. She retired from Federal Govt. employment and now spends her spare time reading, gardening, and taking care of the small livestock on her 20 acre farm.